Get Past a Mid-Life Crisis by Trying New (and Proven) Strategies) by Jenny Wise

Women experience many challenging times in life, and a mid-life crisis is one possibility. But like every other challenge, this one can be overcome. Consider these ideas to move forward with your life.

If your mid-life crisis has you feeling overwhelmed, therapy sessions with Vantage Elevation Counseling & Consulting can help you take meaningful steps to improve your mental health.

Work on Accepting This Phase of Life

Mid-life crises affect everyone differently, so it might be difficult to figure out what you're feeling at first. According to Woman's Day, common symptoms of a mid-life crisis include unexplained weight changes, a lack of passion, poor sleep, feelings of boredom or irrationality, and an increase in 'bad days.'

While there are no magic solutions to fixing a mid-life crisis, acknowledging your feelings is a good first step. Understand that this phase will pass!

Hone in on Your Health

Encountering a period of mid-life panic can cause you to reflect on your habits. Have you neglected your health for so long that hitting mid-life is more painful than it should be? Now might be the time to rekindle healthy habits.

Getting your body moving is one way to combat the symptoms of middle age, and exercise can even rejuvenate your skin, notes Byrdie. Working out promotes oxygenation of your skin, boosts collagen production, and even helps you look younger.

Dive into Nature More Often

Even though spending time outside is enormously beneficial, most people tend to spend most of their days indoors. But studies suggest that spending at least two hours a week in nature promotes better health.

Spending downtime in a green space, whether in your backyard, at a local park, or relaxing on the beach, can improve your mindset. You can even combine exercise with nature and take a hike, take up swimming, or go on a ski trip in the wintertime.

Not only does gardening give the opportunity to enjoy being outdoors, but it also has physical and mental health benefits. Exercise can be incorporated while tending to a garden, like squatting and stretching while planting or pulling weeds. If you’re just starting out, click here for some essential tips and resources.

Reflect Inward to Build Confidence

Feeling a bit adrift is a typical part of a mid-life crisis. And while there are many external, physical things you can do to change your life, looking inward is essential, too.

Taking up meditation or simply practicing deep breathing can ease stress and help you gain clarity. Mayo Clinic notes that meditation is a quick way to reduce stress. Since it's free and fast, meditating daily is an easy way to improve your mindset, even amid a crisis.

Travel for Inspiration

A mid-life crisis might be the ideal time to shake things up and venture out of your comfort zone. Traveling does both, and it also opens your eyes to new ideas and experiences.

Experts also suggest that traveling reduces stress, boosts productivity, and can even enhance your creativity. Take trips that involve getting out in nature, and you'll reap twice the benefits.

Embark on a Path by Starting a Business

A career change is one way to switch gears in your professional life, and starting your own company takes things a step further. Deciding to launch a business does come with a few challenges, though.

For one thing, you'll need to establish a structure for your business. An LLC offers a handful of benefits like tax advantages, limited liability, and flexibility as your business grows. If you plan on forming an LLC in Washington, there are five distinct steps you’ll need to complete.

Square Away Business Details

Running your own company will involve more responsibility than working a nine-to-five. Squaring away details like what to charge and how to invoice clients are important to consider before you dive in.

Set clear payment terms when you bring on a client, and designate an invoicing system. Free downloadable invoicing templates allow you to create customized, branded invoices with your logo and essential information.

Build Your Business Skills

Though building new skills isn't a requirement for changing career paths or starting a business, it can't hurt. Working on improving your professional talents can also serve as inspiration and open your eyes to new possibilities.

A few great ways to learn something new include joining a professional organization, taking a class or certification course, or reading books about business.

Though a mid-life crisis isn't enjoyable to experience, there are ways to combat negative feelings and do something meaningful whether you’re starting a business or traveling more often. Over time, you'll begin to feel better and find your direction in life. Then, it's on to the next challenge!

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